"BIZNES meble.pl" international 1/2018

analysis X industry international edition 1/2018 [ BIZNES meble.pl 61 AESTHETIC PREFERENCES OF POLISH CUSTOMERS The survey started with the following question: Do you like furniture in a sim- ple form or you prefer the furniture styl- ized and richly decorated. The obtained answers clearly show that furniture with a simple form(59%) is preferred. It is worth noting that in each age group, the majority indicated ‘simple furniture’. Nearly 17% of respondents would choose stylized, richly decorated furniture for the apartment. Women declared simple furniture more often. A quarter of respondents said they liked the style of furniture between simple and richly styled. Another question was about the form of furniture. Out of all surveyed, 45% of re- spondents prefer lightweight furniture. By comparison, more than half – 54% of re- spondents – were inclined to choose more delicate furniture. Ladies prefer lightweight furniture. At the other end of the spectrum were 25% of respondents who prefer solid furniture. With age, more people tend to choose lighter furniture. When asked about the preferred range of colours of furniture, over half of the respondents chose furniture in toned colours. 56% of respondents indicated this type of product. Although more than half of the respondents chose furniture in toned colours, a growing number of peo- ple tend to buy furniture in bold colours. The survey found that 17%of respondents prefer furniture in bold colour. The group of people well and very well situated is the most willing to experiment with colours. Next question was to show whether the respondents assume negotiation on the purchase of furniture. The results show that 32%of Poles are able to spendmore on furniture than previously planned in the budget. As much surveyed declared that they would not spend more than intended. More often women in the 36-55 age range are willing to spend more on buying furni- ture than originally assumed. Respondents stated that the functional- ity of furniture is more important than the design. However, 43% of the respondents suggested that buying furniture is not only a matter of functionality, but it should also look good. 11% of respondents said that the appearance of furniture is the most important issue when they decide on pur- chase. Year after year, the group of people putting on design when buying furniture is growing. The results shows that the majority of Poles (47% of respondents) choose to buy furniture only when they are forced to do so. We are probably dealing with economic issues. The purchase of furniture usually occurs when the furniture has been dam- aged, during the change in the living situ- ation or when moving. However, there is a group of people who change the furnish- ings when they simply want to change the arrangement of the room. Another question raised the issue of whether respondents liked more typi- cal furniture, which is available in most stores, or whether original furniture is preferred, which will stand out from those widely available. 37% of respond- ents choose typical furniture, available in most stores. As in 2016, 27% of respond- ents prefer original furniture, such as no one else has. WHAT COMES INTHE FUTURE? Looking at the present situation of the furniture market in Poland, we can be optimistic about the future. The con- firmation of these words are the results regarding the decisions on the purchase of furniture in 2017. In the history of re- search carried out by B+R Studio, there was no such an optimistic result so far. Turnover in the domestic market is worth mentioning. According to preliminary calculations prepared by B+R Studio, the turnover in the domestic market for the whole of 2016 indicates an improvement as compared to 2015. Turnover in the do- mestic market increased by almost 23% to 9.6 billion PLN. Raising the basic salary, lowering un- employment is conducive to improving the purchasing mood of a large part of the population. In addition, positive informa- tion flows from the real estate market. As far as the functioning of the furni- ture market is concerned, we will continue to see changes in the structure of distribu- tion of furniture on the Polishmarket. Dis- tributors will strengthen their position by increasing the number of commercial es- tablishments. One can not forget about the Internet as a place to buy furniture. Fore- casts for all e-commerce are clear – this sales channel will gain importance. It poses new challenges for the furniture manufac- turers and distributors themselves. Prepared by: dr Magdalena Piejko, Institute of Sociology, University of Opole Martin Czyrnia, market analyst, B+R Studio Analizy Rynku Meblarskiego LW LV KDUG WR VD\ ļbLI WKHUH ZRXOG EH VRPH YHU\ DWWUDFWLYH SURPRWLRQ RU ZH ZRXOG JHW VRPH XQH[SHFWHG PRQH\ WKHQ PD\EH ZH ZRXOG EX\ VRPH IXUQLWXUH 18.1% ZH ZLOO GHğQLWHO\ EX\ ZH DUH DOUHDG\ FKRRVLQJ VSHFLğF IXUQLWXUH 12% ZH DUH SODQQLQJ WR EX\ VRPH IXUQLWXUH EXW ODWHU than in 2017 13.7% ZH DUH QRW JRLQJ WR EX\ IXUQLWXUH EHFDXVH ZH KDYH UHFHQWO\ SXUFKDVHG UHSODFHG IXUQLWXUH 22.5% ZH DUH QRW JRLQJ WR EX\ IXUQLWXUH EHFDXVH ZH are attached to those ZH RZQ 24.5% ZH ZRXOG OLNH WR EX\ IXUQLWXUH EXW ZH FDQ QRW DIIRUG VXFK H[SHQVHV 9.2% PLANS FOR FURNITURE PURCHASING IN 2017 AND LATER 0 5 10 15 20 25 XSKROVWHUHG ORXQJH IXUQLWXUH H J VRIDV FRXFKHV DUPFKDLUV IXUQLWXUH IRU OLYLQJ URRP GLQLQJ URRP DQG RIğFH H J FKHVWV RI GUDZHUV VKHOYHV 79 VHWV WDEOHV FKDLUV EHGURRP IXUQLWXUH H J EHGV PDWWUHVVHV QLJKW FDELQHWV \RXWK DQG FKLOGUHQ IXUQLWXUH H J EHGV FRXFKHV GHVNV FKHVWV RI GUDZHUV FKDLUV DUPFKDLUV HWF NLWFKHQ IXUQLWXUH LQFOXGLQJ WDLORU PDGH RU VHOI DVVHPEOHG EXLOW LQ DQG KDOO IXUQLWXUH H J FORVHWV ZLWK VOLGLQJ GRRUV ZDUGUREHV other 23.2% 23.2% 16.1% 10.6% 14.5% 6.4% 6.1% TYPES OF FURNITURE THAT RESPONDENTS DECLARE TO BUY IN 2017