"BIZNES meble.pl" international 1/2018

design X Polish designers 82 BIZNES meble.pl [ international edition 1/2018 f f recipient. The rate of new product development is also increas- ing, and thus there is less time for the entire design process. What are the difficulties you struggle with as designers every day? Which of them stimulates your actions? Łukasz Stawarski: The mentioned lack of time is quite com- pelling. We always want to check various possibilities, test a few options to find the best one. Even if at the end it turns out that the initial one was the best, we want to make sure by multiplying the different variants that we assumed correctly. It is quite demanding at an accelerated pace. Bartłomiej Pawlak: Various limitations: technological, mate- rial, etc. are obvious difficulties. One would always like the object to be made of more noble materials or have greater strength with a smaller cross-section. Often, however, we have to confront physics with economic reality and start looking for compromises or other solutions. What are your goals, priorities for the nearest future? Bartłomiej Pawlak: We are currently involved in several projects, some of them from the areas in which we have not worked previously. When they see the light of day, we hope that it will open another door and allow us to develop in other directions. We also have a list of national and world companies with whom we would like to create something (laughs) . Łukasz Stawarski: Of course, projects in progress and the clos- est commitments are of priority, but we have a whole lot of plans. We only do not have time to do all of them (laughs) . In addition to local and foreign companies, we also think about producing and selling products of our own brand. There is a lot going on and we hope that more will come, we certainly do not plan stabilization for the nearest time. I wish you all that then. Thank you for the conversation. The ‘Nest’collection of youth furniture designed for the MebleVox brand.The idea of the collection is to accumulate key functions, e.g.: sleeping, working, resting and storing in one piece.The product gives the possibility of any combination of functional modules placed at the bottom of the bed. Dedicated accessories transform this space into a place for children to play. ‘Nest’also includes free-standing furniture to arrange entire room. The collection can be personalized thanks to a large range of add-ons, depending on the needs of the recipient’s age group.The set includes textile organizers and bags in various colours, a dry-erase board and hooks. Interchangeable panels with graphics change the visual character of furniture. Frames with lighting and specially designed mattresses with variable functions also complete the collection.The project received the ‘Dobry Design 2017’(‘Good Design 2017’) award. Photo by Greg Nelec.